Yi Shun LaiinILLUMINATION5 Things I’m Doing Differently for My Next Book ProjectFrom drafting to marketing, this project will be differentJun 1Jun 1
Yi Shun LaiI Have an Obsession with the Postal ServiceLoose thoughts on why I love it so much.May 19May 19
Yi Shun LaiL.A. Times Festival of Books RoundupTips from writers in young adult, memoir, and satireApr 27, 2023Apr 27, 2023
Yi Shun LaiinBetter HumansFind Your Own Flavor of ActivismI’m a reluctant activist. Here’s how I found something that works for me.Mar 14, 20231Mar 14, 20231
Yi Shun LaiinZORAThe Gilmore Girls’ Inclusivity ProblemIt’s okay to love a thing. It’s better to love it when you see all its flaws.Jan 29, 202314Jan 29, 202314
Yi Shun LaiinBetter HumansFive Tips for Landing a Book DealFrom micro-press to Big Five, there are more similarities than you thinkNov 21, 20223Nov 21, 20223
Yi Shun LaiinHuman PartsHow to Pull Off a Personal Annual ReviewA no-fuss, intuitive way to take stock and map your prioritiesNov 9, 202245Nov 9, 202245
Yi Shun LaiSay This, Not That.Sometimes, we say things that are hurtful. Here’s what to say instead.Jun 10, 20221Jun 10, 20221
Yi Shun LaiFriendship on the Playing Field“Meeting someone where they are” isn’t just a buzzphraseMay 6, 2022May 6, 2022